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Target audience: Staff and Students

Printers: UUBlack/UUColour printing on Linux

This manual explains how to install UU multifunctional printers (Xerox) on your laptop with Ubuntu (20.04.1 LTS).

Are you working with a different version of Linux? Then the screenshots and menu’s might look different from the ones in this manual.

  • Step 1

    Make sure you are connected to the network of the UU, either by connecting to the wireless network Eduroam or via a network cable in a University building.

  • Step 2

    Download the generic PPD driver .exe file for the Altalink C8030-C8070 of the Xerox website and unzip it. Use this file from the download: xrxC8055.ppd file.

    If that does not work, you can try downloading the file here: PPD file.

  • Step 3

    Go to the Printers menu in your Settings.

    Choose ‘Additional Printer Settings…’.


  • Step 4

    Click “Add”.

  • Step 5

    Select “Windows Printer via SAMBA” on the left. Enter the following information:

    • smb://myprint.soliscom.uu.nl/UUColour
    • Select ‘Set authentication details now’
    • Password: your Solis-password
    • Username, type: soliscom\<Solis-id>

    Then click “Forward” below.

  • Step 6

    Select “Provide PPD file”.

    Navigate to the location of the PPD-file and select the file.

    Click ‘Forward’.

  • Step 7

    Enter a name for the printer, you can pick anything you want.

    Click “Apply”.

  • Step 8

    Right click on the printer you’ve just installed and choose “Properties”.

  • Step 9

    On the left select ‘Printer Options’. Check whether the settings are the same as indicated below:

    Paper Tray: “Tray 4”
    Media Size: “A4”
    2 Sided Printing: “2 Sided Print”

    Please note: when tray 4 is empty in the printer, your document will not be printed. You will have to manually select another paper tray. It is not possible to use ‘auto select tray’.

  • The printer models used at the University of Utrecht are Xerox Altalink C8030, C8055 and C8070 with build in controller,  5 or 6 lades.

Last modified: 13/09/2022

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