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Target audience: Staff and Students

Powerpoint: recording a knowledge clip/lecture

With different versions of PowerPoint, such as Office 365, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint 2016, it is possible to convert your slideshow into a PowerPoint Show with narration.

Below a short step-by-step plan:

1. Save the presentation as .pptx
2. Click the tab “Slideshow” > “Record Slideshow”
3. Check if the microphone icon at the bottom right is on (and the camera off)
4. Click the red record button at the top left
5. When finished, save the presentation as .ppsx (PowerPoint show)
6. Put the file on Blackboard in your course

More information:

More information about recording a slideshow (.pptx) can be found here: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Record-a-slide-show-with-narration-and-slide-timings

More information on how to save your recording as a PowerPoint Show (.ppsx) or video (.mp4) can
be found here: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Turn-your-presentation-into-a-video

Last modified: 9/11/2020

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