Bitlocker to GoE
Encrypted USB stick Encrypted hard driveM
Microsoft 365 for your home PCO
OneDrive for Business for Windows 10/11 OneDrive for Business on MacS
SSL Certificate: request SURFdrive: Frequently asked questions SURFdrive: Moving files between OneDrive and SURFdrive SURFfilesenderT
Teams for education Teams: FAQ Teams: Video conferencing Teams: chat and work together Teams: logging in as a (guest) user after receiving an invitation email Teams: online classes (Student)U
U and O drive on Windows 10/11 (VPN) U and O drive on iPhone/iPad (VPN)* U- and O-drive on macOS (SMB)V
VPN on Windows VPN on iPhone/iPad VPN on macOS VPN op iPad/iPhoneVetware: thuiswerken Video platform UU: Recording videos
Yoda (research data management)